AKM Facility Construction

Facility Construction

Due to our company’s and staffs long-term experience and cooperation with our

<a href=“http://www.ghost-writer-agentur.de/“ style=“text-decoration: none; color:#333;“>www.ghost-writer-agentur.de</a>partner companies we are able to take orders and customer inquiries for the following facility construction segments:   Pharmaceutical industry, food and beverage industry  Chemical industry   Petrol chemistry and refinery   Power supply, power plants and large-scale refrigeration  Conveyer technology Building supply industry Mechanical engineering Waste water and recycling/disposal companies Buried pipe construction incl.  underground construction for private networks.   Due to the generous inventory of our manufacturing plants we are able to offer you a range of individual pipe lines up to complete facility selections.

Upon request, our services include the following segments:

Consulting Planning Production Global installation Inspections, docum

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